Happy Kid Formula
With our Happy Kid Formula, we bring your child from hot-mess-express to happy-go-lucky!
We believe in using an integrative approach through looking at your child as a whole, rather than a symptom. Through comprehensive labs and history, we investigate and collaborate with you to find the root cause of your child's symptoms. We use this information to formulate a step-by-step Happy Kid Formula that is individualized to their needs! We are here to support and guide you along every step of the way.
Hot Mess Support
Root Cause
Nutrient Deficiencies
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Poor Gut Health
Hormone Imbalances
Happy Go Lucky
Focused Nutrition
Individualized Care Plan
Replacing areas of deficiency
Heal gut microbiome
Happy Kid Consult
Intro to Happy Kid FM, discover if your child is a great fit for our program.
Follow-Up Email/Call
Scheduled email and/or call to follow up on any questions that you may have since our initial contact.
Complete Intake Forms
We are so thrilled to have you!
Work on completing all intake forms- this helps us learn more about your child, your goals and needs, and allows us to put on our "detective hat."
Intake Visit
This is a one-hour session for us to gain a better understanding of what is going on with your child, hear your perspectives as the parent, identify goals we can work on together, and start a plan of care together. As the end of the visit, there may be labs, lifestyle modifications, recommendations for supplements, and scheduling for follow-up with us.
Let's check in! How are things going at home? Are we actively making lifestyle changes? Are we having any challenges? Needing some extra encouragement? Let's modify the plan if we need to. If everything is going well- EXCELLENT!
Report of Findings
During this visit, Dr. Amy will review your child's labs with you. We will discuss if you and your child are ready to make active changes to lifestyle and habits, and collaboratively come up with a manageable plan for change. This plan is completely personalized to YOUR child and his/her needs. Let's become besties!
Ask any follow-up questions about labs and supplements. Fine-tune our plan. Identify strengths and challenges after about one week of being on customized plan.
Follow- Up Session
Meet with Dr. Amy at 1 month, 3 month, 5 month to make adjustments to your child's plan, order any additional labs (if needed), identify successes, and transition to maintenance when your child is ready!
Maintaining Health
Once your child has graduated from our program, ideally we would like to see them back about once every 3 months to identify any setbacks or new onset of issues. We are so proud of them and YOU!
Fuel Your Body, Heal Your Mind
CALL US: 970-279-3820